Health, Wellness, and Life Information for Teen & College-Age Young Adults (and their Parents)
Healthy Weight | Nutrition | Mindset | Confidence | Teen Parenting
Empowering Teens and Young Adults: 10 Life Lessons for Long-Term Success
As parents, we often find ourselves searching for ways to guide our teens and young adults towards a fulfilling and successful life. These lessons, based on proven strategies, foster personal growth and development and will equip them with valuable tools for navigating life's challenges and opportunities.
Understanding Eating Disorders: Expert Insights for Parents and Teens
An eating disorders (ED) is a complex mental health condition that affect millions of people worldwide yet is often misunderstood or underestimated for the toll it can take on adolescents.
My discussion with Dr. Marcia Herrin, renowned expert in the field of eating disorders, shed lights on the intricacies of causes, contributors and progression, while also providing essential steps parents can take for early identification and treatment.
Social media is contributing to adolescent loneliness and depression.
While social media use among adolescents can have positive outcomes, growing research indicates greater negative mental health outcomes such as depression, loneliness, poor body image, unhealthy eating behaviors and loss of sleep. Two key factors seem to contribute to this dynamic: lower parental involvement and greater amounts of time spent on social media.
101 Fun Activities to Keep Teens Engaged this Summer
If you’re like me, a busy working mom who planned my children’s summers with day camps, enrichment programs, play dates and fun outdoor activities, you may be discovering it gets more difficult as your kids hit their teenage years.
When this began to happen for my teens, I turned to two strategies that could provide a flexible yet reliable solution to our summer boredom dilemma that didn’t involve screens, and got them moving and mentally stimulated.
Helping Your Teen Find Direction, When Life Feels Meaningless
Living with a teenager who’s struggling with feelings of hopelessness and wondering about the purpose of their life can be heart-wrenching. The sense of meaninglessness that develops is overwhelming for some adolescents, and as a parent, it may be confusing to know how and when to step in and help. Luckily there are numerous ways you can guide and support your teen through this challenging time.
Here are some essential coping skills your teen can develop to find greater meaning in life.
Getting Started on a Plant-Based or Vegan Diet: Tips and Insights for Parents and Teens
Adopting a plant-based or vegan diet is a significant decision, whether considering it for ethical, health, or personal reasons. It's important to approach this transition thoughtfully to ensure long-term success.
In this article, we'll explore the definition of a plant-based and vegan diet, the pros and cons, and offer recommendations for parents supporting their teenagers or young adults through this transition.
Exercise as a Key Strategy for Combating Depression: Insights and Recommendations
Research continues to validate exercise as a key method in alleviating depression symptoms. A recent meta-analysis revealed it’s impact to be as effective as medication or CBT, and in cases when combined with medication, to provide even greater symptom relief.
Navigating Eating Disorders: Insights from NEDA's Mollie Schlapp-Gilgoff
Eating Disorders: What every teen and college student should know. Featuring Mollie Schlapp-Gilgoff of the National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA)
The Most Common Causes of Loneliness for Teens and Young Adults
Loneliness has significantly increased among teens and young adults, impacting their overall well-being. Find out what commonly causes this disconnection and how to help turn loneliness into happiness.
Getting Started at the Gym with Less Anxiety and More Confidence.
Gym anxiety can be overwhelming for teens and young adults just starting on a fitness journey. But individual goal setting, gradual progression, a supportive network, and consistency are cornerstones to building greater comfort and confidence with less fear and anxiety.
Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash
How to Create an In / Out List for Positive Change
An In / Out List is quick and easy to create.
Have your teen grab a sheet of paper, computer, tablet or phone. On the paper or screen, create two columns.
1). The In Column - On the left start with the adds and keepers. Title it “Ins”. What your teen wants to let into their life that is positive and good.
2). The Out Column - On the right create a second column titled “Outs”— what your teen wants to let go of or get out of their life.
10 Principles of Intuitive Eating: Nurturing a Healthy Relationship with Food and Body for Teens
By applying the ten principles, your teenager will experience a shift towards a healthier relationship with food and their bodies, promoting overall well-being and a more sustainable approach to eating.
The Food - Mood Connection
Research studies are more consistently identifying the link between food and the beneficial impact on mental and neurological conditions. It's becoming more evident that what we eat affects who we are, in more ways than one. For teens who often struggle with moodiness, anxiety and depression, including brain-boosting foods into their diet is a great way to help improve or potentially reverse their condition.
Swap Out These Foods for Healthier Teen Eating
Getting your teen to eat healthier doesn’t have to be about eliminating foods your teen likes and depriving. Instead, help by swapping out favorite foods with healthier options and, if necessary, reducing the frequency or amount of those foods.
How to Select the Best Fitness Trainer for your Teenager
Working with a fitness trainer provides the essential foundation to safely and effectively get the most out of your teen’s exercise experience, for long-term success.
Teen Health Coaching Defined
Creating a healthy body and mind requires an understanding of the current situation, what change is wanted and needed, and leveraging inner motivation and commitment to make lasting lifestyle changes. Not an easy task for a teen or young adult.
That’s where the value of Health Coaching comes in. It’s a combination of body and mind work. Health coaching not only aids teen clients in improving health through changes in eating, self-care and exercise, but also takes in account their mindset, beliefs and environment. It’s a whole-life approach.
Gratitude Practice for Teenagers – it isn’t just for the holidays
Gratitude practice helps teenagers step outside of themselves and see a wider view of the world around them. When times are difficult this enhanced perspective helps to focus on the fact that there is plenty of good in the world.
One of the greatest benefits is gratitude helps teenagers to look at what they have vs. what they don’t have.
Start her journey
If you’d like your teen daughter to live a more vibrant and confident life free of weight and body image challenges, schedule a FREE Clarity Call with me now.
Don’t wait any longer to give her the healthy lifestyle and mindset she deserves and deeply desires.
By working with me she will discover how to end self-judgment, build self-esteem and self-confidence while learning to eat for her body and her lifestyle. She’ll discover the truths about diets and nutrition, learn healthy habits, and build empowerment, self-love, life skills and more.